Payment Methods

We currently have two methods for payment

  • Pay Cash on Delivery (COD)
  • Pay Direct Debit like Bank Transfer- EasyPaisa/JazzCash

Usually cash on delivery (COD) is preferred but people also avail pre-payment services for gifting purposes. Pre-payment has a 10% additional discount on the total bill as well.

Cash On Delivery (COD)

Cash on delivery (COD) is used by several merchants all over Pakistan. It allows the customers to pay on delivery that is paid to the courier person when the item is being delivered to their houses.

Direct Debit/Bank Transfer (10% Additional Discount)

Pre-payment can be made through your Bank, Easy paisa, or Jazz Cash account to our bank account, in Pre-payment/Bank transfer customers have to pay after placing an order, as soon as we receive payment we dispatch the order. (how to pay is mentioned on payment method)